v3.4 - 8 Jan 2024
- Added - Ability to search comments.
- Added - New foiling categories.
- Added - Foils.
- Fixed - Some GUI inconsistentencies.
- Fixed - Various minor bugs.

v3.3 - 29 May 2020
- Added - Ability to save the column widths for customized columns in the tracker.
- Added - Wingsurfing as a category.
- Added - Ability to perform an all in one import.

v3.2 - 28 Feb 2020
- Added - Ability to customize the displayed columns in the tracker.
- Fixed - Minor spacing issue with Fin Image button tooltips within Session Editor.

v3.1 - 19 Sep 2019
- Fixed - Right clicking on a session in tracker showed the rating as the category.

v3.0 - 16 Oct 2018
- Added - Calendar charts.
- Added - Filter buttons to select non archived Boards, Fins, Kites Sails in Tracker.
- Added - Controls to move to next / previous / start / end date for Radar and Calendar charts in chart viewer.
- Fixed - Various minor bugs and tweaks to charting.

v2.8 - 27 May 2018
- Added: Auto Generate Name button for Board, Kite/Sail and Fin.
- Fixed - Not showing Kite/Sail type correctly in Manage Kite/Sails.
- Fixed - Editing an image caused the image filename to break.

v2.7 - 08 Jan 2018
- Added: Day, Distance, & Duration totals to Session Categories and Ratings stats.
- Added: Right click on a session in Tracker now displays the Session Details in a dialogue box.
- Changed: Column charts with no data now show a notification.

v2.6 - 28 Sep 2017
- Changed: Pie charts appearance to doughnuts.
- Fixed: Image upload incorrectly reading path.

v2.5 - 19 Sep 2017
- Added: New charts - Board/Fin/KiteSail/Location/Rider/Total distance Avg.
- Added: New charts - Board/Fin/KiteSail/Location/Rider/Total distance High.
- Added: New charts - Board/Fin/KiteSail/Location/Rider/Total duration Avg.
- Added: New charts - Board/Fin/KiteSail/Location/Rider/Total duration High.
- Change: Removed all Low charts.
- Change: Chart Selector is now a list rather than drop down menu.
- Fixed: Various chart code optimizations.
- Fixed: Crash with Total Average and Total High charts.

v2.4 - 10 Aug 2017
- Added: Create a text based summary report to easily copy and paste.
- Change: Total Charts bar spacing optimized.
- Fixed: Various bugs in Tracker.

v2.3 - 11 May 2017
- Added: High / Low charts.
- Added: Location by Session Category and Session Rating charts.
- Added: Combined Month, Day of week, and day for Wind Direction charts.
- Added: Link to images rather than copy the image to Session Tracker data folder.
- Change: Session Category and Session Rating charts are now stacked.
- Fixed: Various bugs / optimzations with charts code.

v2.2 - 11 April 2017
- Change: Session Categories now selected with icons rather than drop down list.
- Change: Duration stats in Tracker are now displayed in a single box.
- Change: Session Rating icons have been refreshed.
- Fixed: Single day selection in tracker did not work 100%.

v2.1 - 15 March 2017
- Added: WindSup as category and board type.
- Added: Tracker stat Location with Highest Wind Speed and Swell Height.
- Added: Tracker stat Highest Wind Speed and Swell Height for compass point.
- Change: This version now requires framework 4.6.
- Change: Removed Comment, Image, and Status from Manager view.
- Change: Seperated all Distance and GPS stats into seperate tab.
- Change: Optimized DB handling code.
- Fixed: Crash when deleting startup rider.
- Fixed: Crash when deleting a fin attached to a board.
- Fixed: Sorting of Session Category and Board Type, KiteSail Type, Finbox Type in manager.
- Fixed: Import and Export bug for Board Default Fins.
- Fixed: Update file size on upload in Image Manager.
- Fixed: Minor calculating stats bugs.
- Fixed: Last line of CSV did not import in some circumstances.
- Fixed: Import with overwrite and skip not working properly in some circumstances.
- Fixed: Tracker not showing correct Distance, Swell Height, and Wind Speed units in certain circumstances.

v2.01 - 29 September 2016
- Fixed: Crash in Tracker if DB file contains no sessions.
- Fixed: Total charts in separated view did not correctly display.
- Fixed: Chart amount types were displayed incorrectly in some instanaces.
- Fixed: Default board fins would override existing selected fins when editing session.

v2.00 - 19 August 2016
- Major upgrade from v1.00
- Added: Charting is significantly improved and faster.
- Added: Wind (radar) charts now available.
- Added: Each chart can now be shown by combined or separated year.
- Added: Ability to turn off each item shown in charts.
- Added: Seperate stats pages in the Tracker.
- Added: Many more stats now available in The Tracker.
- Added: Filtering by date can now be on specific dates rather than a range of dates.
- Added: Rear Center and Rear Side fin boxes to Boards.
- Added: Ability to add fins/boards/kites/sails/locations on the fly when adding or editing sessions.
- Added: Nautical Mile to GPS stats.
- Added: Seperate GPS page in Sessions.
- Added: Seperate Default Fins page in Boards.
- Added: Hovering over an item in Sessions now displays a tooltip with all the details for that item.
- Added: You can now "type ahead" in Make and Model selection boxes.
- Added: All columns are now sortable for every item managers.
- Added: Show file sizes for images in the Image Manager.
- Added: The chart legend has now been split out to its own window allowing you to move, resize or dock it.
- Added: Ability to customise Board types, Kite / Sail types and Fin Box types.
- Fixed: Image Tracker fin image button text was incorrect.
- Fixed: Archived items didn't show correctly when going through Sessions in some cases.
- Fixed: Location names didn't sort correctly.
- Fixed: Day reports where counting multiple sessions on same day.
- Fixed: Session Manager showing archived boards bug.
- Fixed: When adding a new board, it had a default fin set from previous selection.
- Fixed: Zooming and Panning in the Tracker have been revised and bugs fixed.
- Fixed: Obscure bug that locked the database file in some instances.
- Changed: Selecting a Location/Board/Kite/Sail/Rider is now a drop down list.
- Changed: Default rider is no longer editable.
- Removed: Save button, now saves automatically when clicking OK for each item.
- Removed: Location map image.

v1.00 - 23 June 2015
- Added: Ability to re-order columns in Session Explorer.
- Added: Average swell height and wind speed in Session Explorer.
- Added: Charting feature, you can now produce many different charts in Session Explorer.
- Fixed: Various minor bugs.

v0.99 - 26 February 2015
- Fixed: Link in update notification is now clickable.
- Fixed: Tooltips not working properly on some screens.
- Fixed: Session Explorer - end date was ignored in some instances.
- Fixed: Images larger than screen resolution are now resized to fit the screen.
- Fixed: Archive status with fins was not working properly.
- Added: You can now specify the fin box types for your fins.
- Added: You can press ESCape to exit the image viewer screen.
- Added: You can move the image viewer window by clicking and dragging on the image.

v0.98 - 07 August 2014
- Added: Ability to add images directly from the Image Selector screen.
- Fixed: Deleted images were not properly removed in some circumstances.
- Fixed: Broken links in help file.
- Fixed: Crash with Archived Board/Kite/Sail/Fin

v0.97 - 06 June 2014
- Added: You can now set a board, fin or kite / sail to be archived, they are then excluded from session selections.
- Fixed: When creating a new board, the default fin settings did not save correctly.

v0.96 - 30 May 2014
- Added: You can now specify default fins for each board in Manage Boards.
- Fixed: Crash if alternate DB path switch was invalid.

v0.95 - 24 May 2014
- Added: Help buttons to access the help file, you can also access help via F1 key.
- Fixed: Issue with Image Viewer window appearing in random locations.

v0.94 - 22 May 2014
- First public beta release.

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